Lex's Goals for 2021!

 Are New Year's Resolutions a cultural tradition or did one person choose to do it for themselves and it just kind of stuck?  When was this concept born?  Please hold while I Google these imperative questions of life… *ahem*

According to History.com (as in the History Channel, so a legit source I would say), “The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s Resolutions, some 4,000 years ago.”  They go on to say that they “made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed.”  These god-focused promises are what gave life to our current New Year’s resolutions which happen to be more self-focused.  Similar practices were also conducted in Rome and by Christians who were “resolving to do and be better in the future.”  Fascinating stuff I would say.  Resolutions, goals, bucket lists… same thing, right?  Turns out, they’re not.  A resolution is a firm decision.  A goal is a desired result that is worked towards. 

While bouncing around ideas for the month of January, Mad and I went from New Year to resolutions to goals. This leads me right into our next topic Lex Get Mad about our goals!

To be honest, I’ve always struggled with answering the question, “Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years?” because you never really know what’s going to happen.  Last year was probably the best evidence of that!  I am one who strongly believes that everything happens for a reason and that God’s plan is the best plan even when His plan was probably nothing like the one I had in my drafts.  Regardless, it’s important to dream big!  So, here’s what I - Lex - came up with for my one year, five year, and ten-year goals.


  1. Workout 5x a week.

  2. Drink (at least) 64oz of water a day.

  3. Pay it forward once a month.

  4. Land a part-time/limited-term employment position at a zoo.

  5. Practice mindfulness (at least) 4x a month.

  6. Grow in setting boundaries and learn to feel comfortable saying “no.”

  7. Use Duolingo to practice Spanish a little bit every night.

  8. Only buy coffee once a week (your bank account will thank you for it).


  1. Complete Boys and Girls Club proposal for community.

  2. Publish a book (I started writing one in the fall).

  3. Live in my own apartment.

  4. Adopt an older dog from the shelter on Valentine’s Day.

  5. Land a full-time position at a zoo.

  6. Go on a road trip with my best friend.

  7. Go on a family vacation (we had planned to in March 2020… it’s currently on pause).

  8. Go ice fishing (because I haven’t yet and I’m a born and bred Wisconsinite).


  1. Own a house.

  2. Get married.

  3. Have children (some days I want 3, other days I want 0; working at the zoo is really good birth control).

  4. Visit all 50 states.

  5. Get involved in a local church and attend a women’s bible study weekly.

  6. Visit the family more than just during the holidays.

  7. Have weekly game/movie nights.

  8. Unplug one day a week.

There ya have it!  My goals!  Do you have any of the same ones?  I’d love to know - drop ‘em in the comments below!

Lex out...


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