Lex's Faves (March Edition)

 Dare I say it, but it seems like March is coming in like a lamb (as if we couldn’t handle a lion at this point, amirite?)  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring weather!  This season is probably one of my favorites despite the slush and mud.  Spring just has a special smell to it, ya know?  Plus, the birds are out singing, the sun is back for a majority of the time… it indicates new beginnings!

March 2, 2021, happens to be Read Across America Day, and what better way to celebrate than to share our favorite childhood books!  I started reading when I could talk (which boggles the minds of people to this day).  Once I picked up a book, I couldn’t put them down!  When my brother was born, I was constantly reading to him.  If he wasn’t available, I was reading to my pups.

Let’s cut to the chase then: here’s this month’s edition of my faves featuring my favorite childhood books!  


*in no particular order*


*in no particular order*

Are there any on my list that I didn’t include that you thought I might?  Any that also happen to be your favorites?  Any that you’re curious to know more about why it made the list?  Let me know in the comments!

Lex out...


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