As Mad and I were planning the blog posts for January, we knew introductions were essential (check) and we were eager to dive right into talking about one of our shared passions (stay tuned), but we continued to scroll through Pinterest for inspiration regardless.  I was stuck on one of the millions of idea lists they have (gotta love Pinterest) and just blurted out, “How about we do a Q&A?  Like, I write up a list of random questions for you to answer, and then you can write some for me?”

I don’t think Mad even batted an eyelash.  “Let’s do it!”

So, without further ado, here’s my random, mini get-to-know-you interview with Mad:

Lex: What are you very good at?

Mad: I am very good at being organized and having a plan. I also am a natural-born leader.

L: What did you binge watch recently?

M: I have started watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix and I am loving it!

L: What's your go-to order at a coffee shop?

M: Usually it's a Carmel frappe but lately I have been getting hot chocolate. Cravings are no joke!

L: If you could only eat one food for a week, what would it be?

M: I would eat Mexican food for a week. Each day would be a different food from that group.

L: What color do you mostly see in your closet?

M: I probably see red and grey the most in my closet. I am trying to get more colorful clothes though, be patient with me!

L: Do you have any family traditions that you love?

M: My family has lots of traditions. Sunday dinners at my grandma's house are one of my favorites! We play games and just enjoy each other's company. Some of my family goes to the Mall of America every summer for a weekend and I look forward to it every year. The other side of my family also goes to a campground for a week in the summer and boy do I do a lot of kayaking, and eating junk food!

L: If you had 3 wishes from a genie, what would they be?

M: I would wish for world peace, animals to live forever, and for everyone to have a home.

L: What is one of your favorite scents?

M: I love the smell of mint. It relaxes me and reminds me of my mother.

L: What would you love to learn about?

M: I would love to learn more about lots of things! I wish I knew everything haha. I would love to learn about different cultures and their traditions. Sometimes people get so caught up in themselves and what they do that they forget everyone is different.

L: Do you like musicals?

M: I love musicals! I think I was born to perform in musicals. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really enjoy The Newsies and Bye Bye Birdie! If you haven't seen them, watch them immediately! They will change your life!


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