Mad's Five Faves (February Edition)

     Welcome to February! Lex and I have been doing this blog for a month already, and I couldn't be happier. As much as I am excited that we are into the second month, I am annoyed that the month is February. Another thing Lex and I have in common is our hatred for Valentine's Day. I agree with her on the very good point of "Why is there a day to remind people to show the one's they love, that they love them?" I also think This stupid holiday makes people who are single feel alone and less valued. This should not be a celebrated holiday! 
    Regardless of how I feel about Valentine's Day, Lex and I decided to do a Valentine's themed blog post since it's coming up on Sunday. February, Favorites, and Five. What else is there to say? I will now give you my five favorite celebrity crushes, rom-coms, and candies. 

    Five Favorite Candies
1. Caramel Dove chocolates
    - I love caramel, and I love chocolate. There is no better combination. My favorite part of Christmas is getting my stocking from my dad's mom and dad filled with chocolate, and that's the one time of year that I get these Dove chocolates. 

2. Twix 
    - Again, caramel and chocolate. I am sensing a pattern, are you? I relate Twix to Halloween. I feel like it's a Halloween candy. I think I match candy to a holiday, weird, but it works. Right? 

3.  Toblerone 
    - More chocolate. I think I am addicted. But there is nougat in this one! My dad always gets one of these in his stocking from my mom, and I always steal a prism. Another Christmas tradition. 

4. Mike&Ikes 
    - We are switching things up! No chocolate, but more memories. My mom loves these and I remember always asking for some when she would have a box for herself. Now it is my go-to movie candy and it isn't a good experience without it. 

5. Kit-Kats
    - Annnnnd back to the chocolate! I'm sorry, I can't help it. I also associate this candy with Halloween. I think of my sister, Katie as well. We call ourselves MadKat. But she is my Katie-Kat. 

    So I decided to push female empowerment this Valentine's Day. For my celebrity crushes, I am going to do my top five female celebrities. Women need to support women, so I will do just that! Without any more introduction, here are my celebrity picks!
Five Favorite Celebrity Crushes
1. Gal Gadot 
    - Who doesn't love Wonder Woman?! She is the definition of female empowerment! My crush for her continues to grow every time I see her on-screen. She is such an incredible human being and she cares so much for people and the environment! What else could you ask for? 

2. Emma Watson 
    - Where do I even start on this woman? Every part she plays is a work of art. Hermione is who I strive to be every day. And Emma as Belle in the live-action remake, wow! Emma is always the smartest person in the room and makes sure everyone knows it. She is the definition of a feminist and she makes me so proud to be a female! 

3. Lili Reinhart
    - Ok, I am obsessed with Betty Cooper from Riverdale. Lili is the perfect choice to play Betty. Betty wants everyone to be included and loves a good mystery. So do I! Lili is an advocate for mental health awareness and shared her first poetry book with the world in 2020. I have it and it is incredible! Everyone should go read it. It is called "Swimming Lessons". 

4. Michelle Obama 
    - Hello former First Lady! Mrs. Obama is an amazing woman and inspires so many people whenever she speaks. Another woman who makes me want to fight to be the best woman I can be. Plus, she and her husband are the cutest ever! 

5. Blake Lively 
    - Gossip Girl here! This just in, Blake Lively is the best! When I first saw her, she was in the awesome movie, "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". She is so awesome and can do any kind of character without fail. She and Ryan R are also adorable and their kids and so cute. 

Five Favorite Rom-Coms
1. 50 First Dates
    - I can't handle a ton of Adam Sandler in one sitting, but Drew Barrymore helps balance him out in this adorable and funny movie. It is so strange to see Adam be touchy feeling, so I am glad there is some humor in this movie as well. 

2. A Walk to Remember 
    - This isn't really a rom-com, but this movie makes me cry every time! Nicholas Sparks really likes to take our hearts and stomp on them. Honestly, I am ok with it. Mandy Moore can rip my heart in half any day. 

3. The Longest Ride 
    - More Nicholas Sparks, and I'm not sorry. This movie is two love stories in one, and I am now going to name my daughter Ruth if I have a daughter. Also, any movie with an Eastwood man is on the top of the list for me. 

4. Beautiful Creatures 
    - This gorgeous movie is based on a book series and I have never been so in love with something fictional. Well, besides Marvel, and Harry Potter, and The Hunger Games, and this isn't going where I wanted it to. Anyway, this movie is my dream love story, more or less. I do wish I was a castor though. 

5. Sierra Burgess is a Loser 
    - I was bound to do a Netflix movie. I am a teenager, get over it! This movie makes me feel not so alone and shows how most girls, no matter how popular, have their own problems. No one is perfect, no matter how perfect their life seems. 

    Thank you for joining me on my February journey and I hope you all have a good holiday this weekend. I will be hanging with some girlfriends and having a good, non-stressful time. Let me know in the comments what your Valentine's plans are, whether you are hanging alone or with a group, or significant other! 

Mad out...


Mom said…
Now I want to just watch movies and eat candy all day!

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