Meet Manny!

     Hello to all of my beautiful readers! This week is National Celebrate Your Pet Day! Lex and I love talking about our animals, so we thought it was the perfect fit for this week! I have had dogs in the past, but I was too young to remember. Manny is my first pet and I am forever thankful for all the time we have had together and am so excited for all that is to come. I am going home next week, and I can not wait to see my Manny boy and cuddle with him and hear his snores. 

    I don't even know where to start when it comes to talking about my baby. I know! Let's start with how he came into our life. Katie and I have wanted a dog in the family for years. When Katie was a freshman, she and my dad made a bet. If Katie got all A's for a semester, we would have to get a dog. Dad agreed because he didn't think Katie was determined enough to make it happen. Boy, was he wrong! Needless to say, Katie got straight A's and we were gifted this fluffy gentle beast.
    We got Manny from the Humaine Society in Portage. He came all the way from Kentucky though! We almost didn't get Manny boy.  There was a family who had put in the paperwork for him first. They had to bring their other dogs in to see if Manny would get along with them. They didn't, and it was our turn to meet Manny! The first time we went, it was Dad, Katie, and I. He whined a lot, and he was so big. Katie and I weren't comfortable with big dogs. We left the shelter and I didn't want him. I didn't think he was going to fit in with our family. And boy was I wrong! 

    Manny and I are best friends now. When I am home, we are by each other almost 24/7. He sleeps with me at night, and we love to watch tv in bed together. We go outside in the summer/spring and play and lay under the tree and just take in the breeze. That's when I try to brush him because he has a LOT of fur. Sometimes when it is really hot, I fill up his kiddie pool, and we play in the water. Our favorite activity is to nap together. We do it every day when I am home. Look below for pictures of us napping and cuddling. 

    Manny has many nicknames. Manny Boy, Manny Christine( He has my middle name), Bubba, Nugget, Bear, and Shnookums are the most popular haha. No matter what you call him, he was an angel sent from God to bless our family. He fits right in, broken ears and all! I have never loved a furry thing so much in my entire life. Manny is my best friend, and I really miss him right now. 

    If you have a furry family member, let Lex and I know in the comments the name and age of your animal(s)! 
    Mad out... 


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