International Women's Day (Part 2)

     Hello all! How have you all been doing? I have been enjoying this nice weather we've been having! 50 degrees and sunny with a nice breeze are perfect for me. Spring is finally in motion. My dad tricked me the other day and told me we had a huge snowstorm on the way this weekend and I almost passed out from the fear. Needless to say, he was joking and I was not laughing. Enough about my "funny" father though, it's Celebrate Women this week! 
    I consider myself a feminist. To me, being a feminist means wanting and fighting for equality between all men and women in every aspect of life. I am proud to be a feminist and I think everyone should join me in the quest for everyone's freedom to do what they want, no matter if they are male or female. 
    Now, Family is very important to me. There are amazing women everywhere that I could talk about, but I want to keep it in the circle today. I have been blessed with so many amazing women in my life and I don't have time to talk about all of them. I would like to mention a few who make the top of the list. 
My mother is one of the most extraordinary women I have ever known. She is kind, generous, funny, passionate, driven, and incredibly intelligent. That's right, she isn't just smart. She is one of the FATES from Greek mythology. She knows everything. She says she doesn't, but I rarely teach her something new. My mom and I didn't get along for a little bit, and one of my friends said it was most likely because we are so alike that we were clashing. Back then I didn't want to admit I was turning into her, but now I think there is no better honor. My mom raised me well, and I thank God everyday for gifting her to me. I can be a pain in the ass sometimes, and so can she, but we are always there for each other. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: My mom is my Wonder Woman. I love you, mama. Happy International Women's Day. 
My aunt is an impeccable human being. She always knows how to make me laugh, no matter how down I am. She is an amazing listener, no matter how long my stories are. She also gets me so well. We have a lot in common too. We both like things to be clean, so sometimes I go over to her house and we crank the music up and I just help her tidy her house so she doesn't have to do it alone. The thing is, I love cleaning, and I love cleaning with her more. A few summers ago, I helped her with multiple painting projects around the house, we trimmed some trees, and we just had a great time together. She wrote me a poem once for Christmas and I look at it almost every day. If you ask her about it though, she will say she is terrible at writing poems. I am so glad to be so close to her, and I will never take our time together for granted. I love you, Carrie. Happy International Women's Day. 
My grandmas are all incredible women. They gave me my parents and so many other amazing family members. They have given me many family traditions I am so grateful to be a part of. They give me advice, compassion, and unconditional love that lasts forever. I would not be who I am today without each and every one of you. Thank you for all you've done for me. I hope one day I can make you all proud and pay you back for everything you've given me. Maybe some great grand puppies! I love you all so much! Happy International Women's Day. 
Last but not least, we have my favorite sister, Katie. She is quite a handful at times, but I know God gave me her because I could handle it, and also because I needed her. Katie is my built-in best friend. We do fight, but all siblings do. I would say our fighting has gotten better, but mother would say otherwise. We are getting matching tattoos for her birthday in a few days and I am so honored that she wants a permanent piece of me on her and with her forever. Katie and I have funny sayings with each other, but down deep we mean them. When we were little, we were swimming in a lake and it was very choppy. The waves sometimes looked like shark fins, and at the time we didn't know sharks didn't live in lakes. Before we swam out to where we couldn't touch, we looked at each other and said: "If we die, we die together". We are and always have been very dramatic kids. However, I can still picture little Katie's face looking at me with all the trust in the world, knowing if something bad were to start happening, that I would be there for her. These last two weeks, we have been talking on the phone almost every day, and she has even started to say she loves me at the end of every phone call. I honestly feel like we are growing much closer and will continue to do so once my baby goes off to college next year. You are going to continue to do great things Katie girl, I love you. Happy International Women's Day. 

    Yikes, my feelings are all over the place right now. I almost started crying typing this. As you can see, just from this shortlist, God has given me some incredible ladies to share my life with. I am thankful for my family every day, and can't wait to see all of these women soon. Party hard girls, it's our day! 

    Alright, time to do homework. Let me know some of your favorite women in the comments. Mad out...


SOS Booster said…
Every year, March 8th is observed as International Women’s Day across the globe to honor and celebrate women in all their glory. So, check out this article to honor women’s accomplishments and express your gratitude for their presence in your life with some Women's day fun activities ideas in office.

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