Spring Cleaning with Lex

 As I’m writing this post that is meant to be focused on all things spring, there’s a fresh layer of snow on the ground… I wish I could say that I’m surprised, but I’m not.  I saw what Colorado was hit with; what southern Wisconsin got this evening is nothing in comparison.  Fake spring is a real thing y’all.

Anywho, this week Lex Get Mad about spring cleaning!

If you don’t know, Mad and I love to be organized and to organize things whether it be closets, desk spaces (which I desperately need to do), rooms - you name it, we’ll make it look neat and pretty.  That being said, I have to be in a mood to do a deep clean or be so fed up with the clutter to just take care of it.  The latter has happened twice during quarantine; I attacked the linen closet first and the pantry a few months after that.  When cleaning the pantry, I discovered that we had not one, not two, but 3+ containers of CINNAMON SUGAR.  What.  The.  Nut.

I get mad about spring cleaning/organizing simply because it can be so satisfying.  It can also be a stress reliever.  I am most likely in an anxious/stressed state of mind when I choose to deep clean.  I get that from my dad (hehe).  I remember one time I was scrubbing the shower walls in my apartment bathroom and thought, “Oh gosh, I’m my father.”  But hey, that’s just how we get cleaning done.

Did I mention I literally clean every day at work?  Depending on the enclosure/space, that can be real satisfying.

Earlier this week, I went through my closet to reduce my clothing collection.  Not because I was stressed, but because I need to before I move out to the East Coast!  Usually, I toss what clothes I haven’t worn in a while into a donation bin and take it to my local Goodwill (because heck yes, we love thrifting).  During this go-around, I decided to try and sell my items through my small business: T-Lex.  (Check it out on Instagram; the link is under our Hall of Fame tab)!  I’m not very patient though, so waiting for buyers to claim my items drives me wild.

So that’s me and spring cleaning!  Not really a big ordeal and it’s done sporadically, but that seems to work best for your girl, Lex!

What about you?  Do you set aside time annually to spring clean?  Do you have a love/hate relationship with cleaning?

Lex out...


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