Spring Cleaning with Mad

 Here we are again! Almost three months into it, so crazy to think about. I'm sorry this post didn't come out at 11 today. I was busy helping my sister buy stuff to decorate her graduation cap with. I am so sad and happy for her at the same time. How is it possible that my baby sister is graduating high school? Just yesterday we were at the apartment in Pardeeville and I woke her up and made her sort our beads by color until we got caught by mom and had to go back to bed. Needless to say, I have loved to organize and clean since I was young. 

*Insert better transition than I would've come up with to start this blog post!*

Now I don't really know where to start because there is so much information I could give you to help with your spring cleaning. This happens when first starting a cleaning, decluttering, or organizing project. You might think the project is too big to even start. That is one of the hardest parts. The key is to start small. If you want to clean your entire kitchen, start with a drawer. It is small and puts things into perspective. Taking more than one day doesn't mean you are slow or are doing it wrong. Taking the time to make sure you are doing everything right and the way you want is important. And those videos you watch on Youtube of people cleaning a whole area of a house in a day, that's fake most of the time. It is better to go slow and do it right the first time. 

I have some little tips that I am going to give you all now. Take it or leave it! 

1. start with the place you hate the most to clean. It will be out of the way and you won't have to fall back on it later. 
2. Don't think too much about throwing away or getting rid of something. First instincts are the ones to follow. You haven't worn that shirt in a year but it's cute, get rid of it. Someone else could be wearing it once a week. You loved an article in this magazine but you aren't going to read the whole thing again, tear out the one article or take a picture of it and recycle that bad boy! You get the idea. 
3. Try to donate or recycle/reuse as much as you can. If you free up a bin, don't recycle it. Keep it somewhere where you can reach it for later use. You never know what you could need it for in the future and it saves money. 
4. Once you have a pile of give-away stuff, immediately put it in the car or garage so it is out of the house. 
5. After deep cleaning, try to clean that area once a month. Pick the same day every month if you can and do a quick declutter and clean. It is fast and a nice way to keep things tidy without stressing yourself out. 
6. When doing the monthly quick cleans, set a timer for yourself. This helps you stay on track and not get too into one place if you have multiple to do. 
7. Set physical limits. If you have a bunch of crafting supplies that continues to overflow whatever you have it in, tell yourself that you can only keep what can easily fit in that area or container you are holding it in. You have to get rid of stuff and your brain starts to process easier and faster what you really need and want to hold on to. 
8. Where a comfy but productive outfit. Do NOT clean in your pj's! This keeps you in sleep mode. You'll want to hop back in bed after one small pickup and then you will lose precious time. Put on some joggers or a workout outfit and some tennis shoes and get to work! 
9. Always have a motivating playlist or podcast on. Working in silence is good sometimes, but the voice in your head can distract you when you are trying to clean. Listening to music or a podcast that makes you happy or more productive is where it's at! I listen to and watch other cleaning videos while I do my cleaning. This might not work for everyone, but give it a try! My personal favorite is Natalie Bennet. She is a youtube vlogger who does all sorts of cleaning and decluttering videos that give me more motivation to do mine. Plus she gives really good tips and always is positive. 
10. Make it a family thing. If you have kids, bring them in on the action. Start teaching them at a young age that giving is a good thing and organization and cleaning doesn't have to be a boring chore. If you have a weekend to do a big project, get the husband or wife involved. Talk through things and figure out a future plan that works for both of you. 

I could keep going but I would say these are the more important tips that I have. I hope I have helped in some way, and if you have any questions about how I tackle certain areas in my house or have tips for me that you have, let me know in the comments! 

Mad out...


Unknown said…
Maddie,. I love your decluttering tips. This is what your grandpa Roger and I have been doing all along. Sure keeps the "stuff" piles from growing.
We are glad to see you are enjoying the blog and getting something out of it! Decluttering definitely seems intimidating when you first start, but once you get the hang of it, clutter doesn't stand a chance!

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