Earth Hour (Part 2)

 Guess who's back? Me! We are brought back together for another fun Thursday of information! This week we are going to talk about Earth Hour. I had no idea what Earth Hour was about until Lex introduced it to me. I found it so fascinating and I was upset that I hadn't known what it was before. I would've participated every year! 

Earth Hour is where you turn off all non-essential lights for one hour starting at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March. This is used to raise awareness for our planet and to teach people that we only have one earth and we need to take care of it. I wish this was known about by more people, and every year starting now, I will be participating and sharing the information with others so they can participate as well. 

I am trying my hardest to do right by the world and I have started to make moves to a more sustainable life. Becoming a part of the Earth Hour group is the latest and greatest on my list of changes. You can never do too much to make sure the earth can keep taking care of us. If the earth takes care of us, we can do the same. 

I hope Lex and I gave you an idea for something to do next March on the last Saturday. Join us here next week and make sure to leave a comment! 

Mad out...


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