Lex's Morning and Night Routines

 Hello, hello!  Would you look at that?  It’s April, my dudes, and dudettes!  And, yes, I probably will say something along the lines of welcoming the new month in my first post of the month because is it just me, or is this year going by so much faster than last year?  Quarantine probably had something to do with it, but I made the most of it with my family so it was never too terrible (other than we were/are in the midst of a global pandemic).  Never mind my rambling, let’s get to this week’s topic: morning and night routines!

If you hadn’t gathered by the spring cleaning posts, Mad and I are two very organized people.  I don’t know about her, but I thrive off routine.  One of my anxiety triggers (I think) is a lack of routine.  It makes me very overwhelmed, and when I’m very overwhelmed, a breakdown is typically on the horizon simply because I don’t feel grounded.  Therefore, I do have both a morning and night routine!

Do you remember when Spotify was doing that Google Home Mini promo and a certain number of users received a free Mini?  I was one of them and he helps me with both routines.  In the morning, I wake up between 6:30-7:00AM and hop into the shower.  When I’m done, I wrap my hair in my towel before washing my face and brushing my teeth.  From there, I tell Google, “Good morning,” and he launches into his spiel about the weather for the day as I’m getting dressed.  I moisturize my face, take my medications and make my way to the kitchen for breakfast which is typically cereal (Chex, Special K, Honey Bunches of Oats).  Then, I grab my packed lunch and what I need for work before heading out the door to take care of some critters!

As for my night routine, I try to be in bed between 10-10:30PM.  When I’m wrapped up with whatever I wanted to accomplish for the day, I jump into some comfy jammies before washing my face and brushing my teeth.  Then, I do my quiet time where I read my Bible and journal for a little bit.  Once I’m a cozy little burrito in bed, I tell Google, “Goodnight,” and he tells me goodnight before the noise machine starts.  Mine is set to frogs which reminds me of home with the marsh and spring peepers (which is my absolute favorite thing of spring).  Typically, I fall asleep in the middle of my prayers… but I try really hard not to.  Because of this, I try to make time throughout the day to pray whether I’m driving or walking, or just sitting.

You might be reading this and wondering if I was sponsored to write this post for Google Home Mini.  The answer is no.  And even though the alarm I set didn’t go off one morning before work, I still would recommend it to a friend.  He’s a pretty nifty and cute little guy one might say… but those are my routines!  Is my routine similar to yours or different in some way?  Let me know in the comments!

Lex out...


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