Mad's Morning and Night Routines

 We have made it to April everyone! There is less than one month of school left, I just got the first dose of the vaccine, and the local ice cream shop I go to is open for the summer! Life is moving on up! Now, anyone who knows me knows that I like to be in control. I like to have a plan and have all the information. Life, as we all know, is unpredictable. Even though I can't control everything, I can control how I start and finish my day. The shit that happens in the middle, that's always up in the air though. The great thing about routines is that it doesn't only help you, but it helps others around you. My mom and dad have a copy of my routine written down so that if they need to get a hold of me, they know when and where I should be around that time. And if I don't answer, they have an idea of why. 

So, I am going to give you a little sneak peek into my morning and night routine! 

Morning Routine: 
-Wake up
-Check phone
-Eat breakfast
-Get dressed/ready
-Order a coffee
-Head onto campus for a day of homework 

Now, I try to add in little things every day so I can feel that if I got nothing else done, I can say I accomplished something. Oops! 

Evening Routine: 
-Change into PJs
-Wash my face/get ready for bed
-Check my phone 
-Watch an episode or two of a show
-Make sure I have a plan in place for the next day 
-Get some sleep! 

Obviously, these are much more detailed for me, but this is the basic layout haha. I'm writing this at 8:12 pm on Wednesday night so I guess it's time for PJs! If you have a routine, let Lex and I know how strict you are to yourself to stick to it and if you change it constantly or if you have used the exact same routine for years in the comments! 

Mad out...



Unknown said…
Neither of you had make your bed in the morning! :)

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