Mad's Spring Bucket List

 It's finally spring and I couldn't be more excited! The weather is turning nice and waking up to the birds chirping every morning is the best way to start the day! On top of that, I just completed my Covid-19 vaccine shots! And the school year is almost over! The only downside is not seeing my college friends for a few months during the summer because we don't live close to each other and we are all going to be working our butts off. I won't miss the drivers in GB for a few months though. I don't think they know what a speed limit is. These people drive like they are racecar drivers! 

The point of this post however is to discuss my spring bucket list. I have never made bucket lists for anything before but after doing one for spring, I think I will be doing them a lot more for a bunch of different things. If you know me, you know I love to-do lists, and that's what a bucket list is. Challenge accepted! 

Without anymore introduction, here is my Spring of 2021 bucket list: 

1. Get some succulents and decorate my room with them. 
(I love succulents and think they add such cuteness and a positive energy to any room)

2. Spring cleaning of everything I own. I always feel so good when I can donate or give something I am no longer using away so someone else can benefit and get use out of something that was just sitting and taking up space in my room. 
(I love cleaning so this is one of my favorite things to do. Organization is my middle name!)

3. Read more books. I love reading but I haven't done it in so long if it wasn't for school that I have gotten into a funk. Once I get started, I am good. I just have to start. 
(If any of you have good book recommendations, leave a comment!)

4. Go to a Brewers game. I haven't been to one in a few years and I am ready to get back to the stadium and enjoy a foot long licorice rope and watch some baseball! 
(If anyone needs a friend to see a game with, I'm game!) 

5. Make it through my sister's graduation and party with minimal tears and sadness. I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished and all she will accomplish later in life, but she is my baby and I never gave her permission to grow up. 
(I love you KatieGirl!) 

I have a few more, but those are more summer bucket list things, and don't worry, I am assuming Lex and I will be doing a summer bucket list as well! 

Let us know what is on your spring bucket list in the comments below! Mad out...


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