Interview With Someone I Admire

 Hi friends!  As I write this in Connecticut, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your girl got her second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine!  It’s been about 4.5 hours and I’m still feelin’ good… fingers crossed it stays that way.  I chugged EmergenC the past two days and I’ve been drinking water nonstop already today.

This week, Mad and I chose to interview someone whom we admire and I chose my 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Niki Shafer.  She’s been a constant mentor/cheerleader in my life since I spent a year in her classroom only to find out that she’s also super close friends with my dance instructors and her daughters danced at the same studio I did!  She worked backstage during the senior showcase I was in and was one of the first people I hugged backstage after performing my solo.  She’s told me numerous times that I’m stuck with her now, and that’s perfectly OK with me!

Check out my little Q&A with the one-and-only, Mrs. Niki Shafer!

What is your proudest moment?

My proudest moment professionally was being hired for my first full-time teaching position in a very competitive job market.  My proudest moment(s) personally would definitely be the birth of each of my children.

What’s your current job and what is the most rewarding part about it?

I am a 5th grade teacher at North Freedom Elementary. The most rewarding part about it is seeing my students grow both academically and personally and knowing that I helped steer them in a positive direction as they move to middle school.

What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

The pride you gain from working hard for something is better than anything you can be given from someone else.

Never diminish your accomplishments for the sake of anyone else.

What is one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses?

Strength: determination

Weakness: needing approval from others

What is one of your goals for this year?

To run a 10k.

Do you have any siblings?

I am the baby of 4 siblings, but I only grew up in the same household with one older brother. My oldest brother Troy was 11 years older than me and he passed away in 2008. Because we grew up in different households and in different states, I was never able to meet him in person. My older brother Brandon is the sibling I grew up with. He is 2.5 years older than me and we both live in Baraboo with our families now, so we have a close relationship. My older sister Shannon also grew up in a different household and in a different state, but I first met her when I was 14 and we have been able to maintain a relationship through many roadblocks.

Who is your celeb crush?

Michael B. Jordan

What’s your favorite rom-com?

Couples Retreat

What’s your favorite candy?

Ghirardelli caramels

Do you have any pets?  If so, tell us a little bit about them!

I have three dogs. Kobe is our 8-year-old Teddy Bear we bought from a pet shop as a puppy. He is the best snuggler and has no idea what personal space means. Blu is our 7-year-old rescue pup from the Humane Society. We aren’t completely sure of her breeding, but she does have some min-pin, terrier, and chihuahua. She is our sweet girl who craves constant attention. Bowser is our (approximately) 2-year-old Boston Terrier who was rescued from a breeding farm by a family friend. We believe he was abused as he does not like males and is still very skittish after having him for over a year.

What’s a social cause you’re passionate about?  How did you learn about it/get involved?

Two social causes I’m passionate about, that really go hand-in-hand, are equity in education and diversity education. As a mom of children who are mixed race, I feel that it is very important for students of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds, learning styles, etc. to see themselves in the education materials they are studying and it is equally important for all students to receive the same educational opportunities and quality of education.

What’s your favorite book and why?

I honestly could not even pick! Books are one of my biggest passions and I typically read anywhere from 50-100 books each year. I just love to read :)

What’s your favorite memory with your Mom?  What’s your favorite memory as a Mom?

I don’t know that I have a singular favorite memory with my mom as much as I just look back and know that I was always loved and supported in every situation.  My favorite memories as a mom are when I see my children achieve a goal or excel at something and we are able to share those moments together or those quiet moments snuggling together. I also love when other people compliment my children, because then I know that I am raising them to be kind, respectful, productive people. I am just so proud to be their mom!

Who’s your role model?

My mom--she is the strongest, kindest, most patient person I have ever met.

Thank you for letting me interview you, Niki!  And for being someone I can look up to and rely on. xoxo 

Who is someone you admire?  Drop the name below in the comments!

Lex out...


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