Interview With Someone I Admire

 We are almost at the end of May! I am done with school for the semester and now it's time to get to ready for my sister's graduation party. I still can't believe that she is graduating from high school and I will have to help her move into a dorm room in a few months. She is going to go on to do amazing things and I am so proud of her. My mom is crushing it at her new job and my dad just received the Firefighter of The Year award! I just accepted a job at school for next fall and I am going to be half done with my minor after this fall! My whole family is taking the world by storm and I am so proud and happy for all of us! 

Now, Lex and I wanted to do something very personal this week. We decided to interview someone we admire and share their awesomeness with all of you. I chose to interview my grandfather Kerry Swenson. He is an incredible person who had overcome some of the biggest challenges and came back stronger than ever. He is one of the strongest people I know. He will give the shirt off his back to anyone who needs it. We are not related by blood, but he is my family, and I cannot imagine my life without him. Now, sit back and get to know this amazing man and his wise answers to my questions! 

1: What was the hardest decision you have ever had to make? 
Grandpa: The decision to move from WI. to MN. It was a big move with the kids getting older and no one was really happy about it. Years later though, everyone knew that it had ended up being the right decision. 

2: What is the best advice you can give someone? 
Grandpa: It's kind of cliché, but live life. Be happy. Any second it can change, something unimaginable can happen. Also, don't work like a crazy person. I did and I missed out on a lot of family things. There's lots more to life than money. 

3: What do you think is your greatest strength and weakness? 
Grandpa: My strength is I get along with everyone. I can put my differences aside and work with anyone. My wife would say my weakness is that I can't say no. I help everyone no matter what. I put others first and missed out on things I wanted to do. I have tried to get better at saying no, but I still do it, because I just can't say no. 

4: How do you push through your worst times? 
Grandpa: For me personally, I have to keep my mind busy. I have chronic pain and if I don't keep my mind busy, I notice it. No matter how small the activity, it keeps my mind busy. Spending time with kids and grandkids helps too. 

5: What personality trait do you like every leader should have? 
Grandpa: Fairness. Compassion as a close second. But I think fairness is required. When I worked in management, I didn't make anyone do anything I wouldn't do. It's all give and take. 

6: Who is your hero?
Grandpa: My dad. He always was and always will be. As adults, you realize it more than when you're a kid. 

7: Who is someone you admire? 
Grandpa: My wife. She is smart, always keeping me going, and stays on task. She is not only someone I have loved, but admired. Has done and is still doing incredible things. 

8: What is your biggest fear? 
Grandpa: When I was younger, it was death. As I have gotten older, it has become important people in my life not knowing how important they are to me. I try to tell people now. I don't want to die with people not knowing their role in my life. 

9: What motivates you? 
Grandpa: I motivate myself. I make sure I do things I should be doing. But it comes from my family first. 

10: Does it make you happy to know your granddaughter looks up to you and hopes to become like you? 
Grandpa: Yes, beyond happy. I'm honored. I don't know how I got so lucky to have what I have. 

I asked my grandpa if he had anything else he wanted to add to this interview and this is what he said:
Grandpa: I'm proud of you and you keep going after what you want. You got it kickin now and you know what you want to do. Fantastic. 

Thank you grandpa for letting me interview you and dig deep with you. I love you so much and I appreciate everything you do for me and everyone else. You are an amazing person and I am so blessed and thankful to have you in my life. I hope you enjoy this post. 

Who do you admire? Let me know in the comments! Mad out...


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