Lex's Self-Care Routine

 Hey friends!

I know that college finals are underway - you got this! - so Mads and I are going to talk about what we do for self-care this week.  I’ve learned that the best way to serve others is by making sure your cup is filled first because, then, it can overflow and fill the cups of others!  Here are some ways I show myself some love: 

  1. Painting my nails.  “Hey Google, play Good As Hell by Lizzo.”  When my nails are painted and looking good, I feel more put together, ya know?

  1. Face mask.  Not part of my daily routine - in fact, I do face masks very rarely - but I love how smooth my face feels afterwards.  I use Pacifica Kale Charcoal Ultimate Detox Mask.

  2. Working out.  The gym is my happy place and I thrive off that post-workout muscle burn.  I’m the type of girl who takes gym selfies and I’m not sorry for it.

  1. Drinking at least 64oz of water a day.  You’re basically a house plant with more complicated emotions - don’t forget to hydrate!  Since I’ve gotten my Fitbit, I’ve become obsessed with tracking my water intake.

  2. Daily affirmations.  I make a point in reciting affirmations every morning when I’m drying my hair.  This routine has really helped me grow in my self-confidence.

  3. Getting outside.  If the sun’s out, I’m out.  When you soak up that vitamin D, you can’t tell me you don’t feel better.

  1. Treating myself [within reason].  I try to only do so once a week (if that) to an iced coffee from Starbucks/Dunkin’ - I love the work discount I get on Starbies - or ice cream - because everything is better with ice cream - or a breakfast muffin from a deli down the street.

  2. Going to bed early.  Sometimes I forget how important sleep is for my physical and emotional health.  I shoot for at least 7 hours a night, but anything more than 9 leaves me feeling more tired that I was in the first place.

Those are just some ways that I show myself some attention and care.  Any that you do that didn’t make it on my list?  I’d love to know!

Lex out...


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