Meet the Mother (Lex's Mom)

 In honor of Mother’s Day this week, Mad and I decided to do an introduction/honorary post about our moms!  So, without further ado, meet my momma!

I am the type of girl who’s best friends with her mom.  It didn’t always used to be that way (because typical stubborn teenage girl/mom dynamic in high school ya know), but our relationship drastically changed after I found out I have general/social anxiety.  Suddenly, my outbursts and way of communication (or lack of) made sense.  Once that wall was torn down, we were able to grow closer.

She is my #1 cheerleader, and I know she always will be.  She drove me to every dance class, swim lesson, dance rehearsal, picture day, swim meet, softball game - you name it.  She was at every single one of my extracurricular activities/events.  She would be at the end of the swim lane screaming at me to go faster while getting right down in my face with the camera lens making me laugh during breaststroke.  She was behind the chain link fence at softball games getting action shots of me pitching and reminding me to breathe and slow it down (one time I straight up responded in the middle of the game, “I KNOW MOM.” *cue face palm*)

She’s held me tight during numerous heartbreaks.  She’s held my hair back when I’ve gotten sick.  And while these may be typical expectations for a mom, I am aware that not all reach these expectations or go beyond these expectations.  But my mom does.

She’s the first person I will call to tell exciting news to.  She’s the first person I will call when I completely botch public transportation and am walking along the highway bawling thinking the 45min walk home won’t be too bad.  I know she is always there for me.

We laugh together, cry together, laugh-so-hard-we-start-to-cry together.  She’s always encouraged me to be myself and when I’m with her, my true self really shines through… sometimes, a little too much, but oh well (hehe).  She affirms me, reassures me, and is honest with me.  She gives unsolicited advice, but she can’t help it - I’ve tried calling her out on it, but more often than not, if I’m telling a story, she’s going to put her two cents in.  Oh, and don’t even get me started on her Tik Tok addiction… there were times I was getting ready for bed and she’d come into my room and ask to watch them together.  Obviously, I always said yes… and then would be awake an hour later than expected (worth it).

She instilled the passion I have for conservation in me from a very young age.  My love for photography?  Got it from her.  My love for doggos?  Also her.  My love for the zoo?  You bet it came from her.

I am the woman I am today because of my mom.  I can only hope that I turn out to be half the woman she is.

So, here’s to you momma.  Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you continue to do for me.  I love you to the moon and back.

Lex out...


Anonymous said…
That was beautiful Alexis! Your Mother is a good Mother because she was raised by a kind, caring and compassionate Mother. The apples never fall far from the tree.
Unknown said…
Aww Alexis, this is so sweet!!! Your mom is pretty special! And, so are you!

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